Joint Statement Following the Meeting Between President Biden and President Lula

Today, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. of the United States and President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the Federative Republic of Brazil met in Washington, D.C.  During the meeting, the two leaders reaffirmed the vital and enduring nature of the U.S.-Brazil relationship and underscored that strengthening democracy, promoting respect for human rights, and addressing the climate crisis remain at the center of their common agenda. 
As leaders of the two largest democracies in the Americas, President Biden and President Lula pledged to work together to strengthen democratic institutions and welcomed the second Summit for Democracy to be held in March 2023.  Both leaders noted they continue to reject extremism and violence in politics, condemned hate speech, and reaffirmed their intention to build societal resilience to disinformation, and agreed to work together on these issues.  They discussed common objectives of advancing the human rights agenda through cooperation and coordination on such issues as social inclusion and labor rights, gender equality, racial equity and justice, and the protection of the rights of LGBTQI+ persons.  They also committed to reinvigorating the U.S.-Brazil Joint Action Plan to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Discrimination and Promote Equality to mutually benefit marginalized racial, ethnic, and Indigenous communities, including people of African descent, in both countries.
Both leaders are determined to place urgent priority on climate change, sustainable development, and the energy transition. They recognize the leading role Brazil and the United States can play cooperating both bilaterally and multilaterally, including under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement.  Presidents Biden and Lula recalled the Joint Initiative on Climate Change established in 2015, which created the high level United States-Brazil Climate Change Working Group (CCWG).  They decided to instruct the CCWG to reconvene as early as possible to discuss areas of cooperation, such as fighting deforestation and degradation, enhancing the bioeconomy, bolstering clean energy deployment, strengthening adaptation actions and promoting low carbon agriculture practices.  As part of these efforts, the United States announced its intent to work with Congress to providefunds for programs to protect and conserve the Brazilian Amazon, including initial support for the Amazon Fund, and to leverage investments in this critical region. The leaders also expressed their determination to fight hunger and poverty, enhance global food security, foster trade and remove barriers, promote economic cooperation, and strengthen international peace and security. 
They also discussed their interest in intensifying bilateral cooperation in areas such as trade and investment, energy, health, science, technology and innovation, defense, education and culture, and consular affairs, through a results-oriented approach that benefits both societies.  Recognizing the importance of supply chain resilience, especially at the present global juncture, they committed to continue cooperation in this field with focused public-private dialogues.  
The two leaders also discussed a wide range of global and regional issues of mutual concern. They deplored the violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine by Russia and the annexation of parts of its territory as flagrant violations of international law and called for a just and durable peace. They expressed concern about the global effects of the conflict on food and energy security, especially on the poorest regions of the planet and voiced support for the full functioning of the Black Sea Grain Initiative. President Biden and President Lula affirmed their intention to strengthen cooperation in multilateral institutions, particularly in the context of the upcoming Brazilian presidency of the G20.  The two leaders expressed their intent to work together toward meaningful United Nations Security Council reform, such as expansion of the body to include permanent seats for countries in Africa and in Latin America and the Caribbean in order to be more representative of the broader UN membership and enhance its ability to more effectively address the most pressing matters of global peace and security.
President Lula invited President Biden to visit Brazil, and President Biden accepted the invitation.  The two leaders committed to broaden their dialogue and to pursue deeper cooperation in the lead-up to the celebration of the bicentennial of U.S.-Brazil diplomatic relations in 2024.


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