Wide Range of Constituencies Union Leaders, Business Leaders, and Advocates Applaud President Biden’s State of the Union Address

President Biden has long believed that we must build the economy from the bottom up and middle out, not the top down. That is why during his State of the Union address, the President spoke directly to working families and communities across the country who have felt left behind. He outlined his economic agenda and how it’s bringing back manufacturing and creating good-paying jobs —in infrastructure, semi-conductors, and clean energy—that don’t require a four-year degree.

The President also addressed his unity agenda, consisting of four pillars where Democrats and Republicans have come together: beating the opioid crisis, addressing mental health, supporting our veterans, and ending cancer as we know it.

A wide range of constituencies, community leaders, business, and union leaders championed the President’s remarks. Here’s what they are saying:

Union and Labor

Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO: “… Instead of catering to the wealthy and well-connected, the President declared that workers are America’s backbone and good union jobs are the keystone of an economy that works for all…” [Statement,  2/07/23]

Becky Pringle, President, National Education Association: “…@POTUS understands that every day, educators stand in the gaps for our students—and they deserve to be paid like the professionals they are. #SOTU”[Tweet, 2/07/23]

Brian L. Renfroe, President, NALC: “NALC applauds President Biden for recognizing that unions are the strength of the American workforce…” [Statement, 02/08/23]

Eric Dean, General President, Ironworkers: “… Saria Gwin-Maye, a 34-year journeyman ironworker out Local 44 in Cincinnati, was selected to introduce President Biden earlier this year at the Brent Spence Bridge in Covington, Kentucky, a job supported by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. She had such an impact on the president and the Iron Workers Union she was invited to be a guest of First Lady Jill Biden at tonight’s address.” [Statement, 02/02/23] 

Jimmy Williams, General President, Painters Union (IUPAT): “ In the first two years of the Biden Administration, we have seen what steady leadership and a commitment to workers can do with things like the passage of the Chips and Science Act, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

John Costa, International President, Amalgamated Transit Union: “In the past two years, President Biden has created more jobs than any other president in American history…”  [Statement, 02/07/23] 

Kenneth Cooper, International President, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers: “In his State of the Union address last night, President Biden reminded Americans that his administration’s priority remains working people and building shared prosperity from the bottom up…” [Statement, 02/08/2023] 

Lee Saunders, President, AFSCME: “When President Biden first took office, he pledged to be ‘the most pro-union president in history.’ He is living up to his promise… Biden has also fostered the most labor friendly environment we’ve seen at the federal level in decades.” [Statement, 2/7/23] 

Marc Perrone, International President, United Food and Commercial Workers: “Over the past few years, UFCW members across the country in grocery stores, meatpacking plants, and other essential industries have secured historic raises and badly needed workplace protections thanks, in part, to the work of the Biden administration which prioritized the needs of America’s essential workers..” [Statement, 02/08/23]  

Mary Kay Henry, President, Service Employees International Union: “… We agree with President Biden – let’s get the job done…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

National Domestic Workers Alliance: “President Biden’s second State of the Union address renewed the administration’s commitment to investing in our families and our ability to care for one another…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Ramiro A. Cavazos, President and CEO, Hispanic Economic Opportunity: “Hispanic-owned businesses across the country are getting stronger thanks to the generational bipartisan investments made in the past two years…”  [Statement, 2/07/23]

Robert Martinez Jr., International President of International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM): “In his State of the Union address and through his actions leading our nation, it’s clear that President Biden shares our vision for helping working Americans build back better…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Sean McGarvey, President, NABTU: “… President Biden and the 117th Congress laid an extraordinary sustainable foundation that will generate millions of middle-class, family-sustaining careers and protect workers’ health and wages for years to come.” [Statement, 02/08/23] 

Sean M. O’Brien, General President, International Brotherhood of Teamsters: “President Biden is putting the needs of working people at the center of public debate and Congress needs to meet this moment to repair labor laws in this country.” [Statement, 02/02/23] 

Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, Transportation Union (SMART): “On the campaign trail and during his first State of the Union speech last year, President Biden made big promises: substantial infrastructure investment for the first time in decades, the return of manufacturing to America, and an economy that works from the bottom up and the middle out, not the top down. Now, two years after the president’s inauguration, we can say that the Biden administration is delivering on those promises.” [Statement, 02/08/23] 

Terry O’Sullivan, General President, LIUNA: ” The Biden Administration is delivering for working men and women through historic investments that are creating good, family-supporting jobs, measures reducing inflation reduction, and record-setting job growth, and wage growth. The strong, proud, and united men, and women of the Laborers’ International Union of North America could not be more grateful to the President for his commitment to labor rights, good jobs, and protecting our hard-won wages and benefits.” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Tom Conway, President, United Steel Workers Union: “The president fought for a series of legislative victories – including the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the CHIPS Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act – that led to the creation of more than 11 million jobs, ushered in historically low unemployment rates, and began to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure and supply chains using materials made by American workers…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States: “UA members are proud to deliver affordable, reliable, and efficient energy to American families. Thanks to the Biden Administration’s all-of-the-above energy approach, we will continue our important work and make America energy independent. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

United Auto Workers: “President Biden promised to be the most pro-union President in our country’s history. Two years into his first term, he has made good on his promise time and time again. Under his leadership, Congress passed landmark laws like the Inflation Reduction Act, CHIPS and Science Act, and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law…” [Statement, 02/08/23] 

Chris Shelton, President, Communication Workers of America: “In his second State of the Union address, President Biden doubled down on his commitment to push for an economic framework that is centered around meeting the needs of working families.” [Statement, 02/08/23]

Doug McCarron, President, United Brotherhood of Carpenters: “President Biden’s agenda reflects the needs of hard-working Americans – lowering prescription drug costs, investing in American manufacturing, and increasing wages for working families. Our economy is stronger with good, union jobs and corporations that reinvest profits in workers and research, not stock buybacks and offshore tax shelters.” [Statement, 02/08/23]

D. Taylor, President, UNITE HERE: “President Biden’s 2023 State of the Union address focused on ways to make a more just economy and help those who have been left behind by an uneven recovery. Corporations — such as the hospitality companies in the industry that we represent — see a global pandemic as an opportunity to take advantage.” [Statement, 02/08/23]

Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers: “President Biden may have been speaking from the U.S. Capitol tonight, but he could have been sitting at any of our kitchen tables, because he spoke from the heart, directly to the American people, particularly to those left behind or who feel invisible.” [Statement, 02/07/23]

National Educators Association: “We’re glad @POTUS acknowledged that universal pre-K & kindergarten give kids the foundation they need for a lifetime of learning & success. ‘If you want America to have the best-educated workforce, let’s finish the job by providing access to preschool for 3- & 4-year-olds.’ #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Machinists Union: “We are glad of @POTUS’ continued support for American manufacture and the families that depend on it. Through the Bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act, this administration and its allies in Congress have truly put working people first.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Small Business

Chiling Tong, President and CEO, National Asian Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship: “National ACE supports the President’s efforts to ‘finish the job’ of building the economy from the bottom up, and reforming the tax code to reward work. We are grateful to the Administration for its continued efforts to combat AAPI hate, including the recent launch of the National Strategy to Advance Equity, Justice and Opportunity for AA and NHPIs…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

John Neuffer, SIA President and CEO: “During tonight’s State of the Union Address, President Biden highlighted last year’s historic enactment of the CHIPS and Science Act, a landmark new law that will greatly strengthen America’s economy, national security, and semiconductor supply chains.” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Justin Nelson, President, National LGBT Chamber of Commerce: “LGBT-owned businesses have bounced back strong in the past two years thanks to critical bipartisan investments like the Restaurant Revitalization Fund and the Paycheck Protection Program included in the American Rescue Plan…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Karen Kerrigan, President and CEO, Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council: “We agree with President Biden’s about America’s story. It is one of ‘progress and resilience,’ for this is the story of American entrepreneurs and small businesses…” [Statement, 2/08/23]

Keith Hall, President and CEO, National Association for the Self-Employed: “America’s surge in the small business community means we need continued strong bipartisan cooperation in Washington to ensure our small business community is robust and can continue to grow…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Rhett Buttle, Founder, Public Private Strategies & Co-Executive Director, Small Business Roundtable: “The past two years have brought historic legislative accomplishments and bipartisan investments that are benefitting small businesses and the communities they serve all over America, including the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, American Rescue Plan, Inflation Reduction Act, and CHIPS and Science Act…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Ron Busby, President and CEO, US Black Chambers, Inc.: “This Administration’s commitment to ensuring increased opportunity for the business owners in our network underscores the dedication that has gone into the successes of the last two years…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Lisa Coppola, Board of Directors Chair-Elect, National Association of Women Business Owners: “Tonight, during the State of the Union, President Biden discussed bipartisan efforts that have helped strengthen the economy and create more opportunities for women business owners…” [Statement, 2/8/23]

Ying McGuire, President and CEO, NMSDC: “The National Minority Supplier Diversity Council (NMSDC) applauds President Biden’s address to Congress in which he tactically uplifts many concerns that specifically impact historically underserved minority-owned businesses.” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Marla Bilonick, NALCAB’s President & CEO: “As the President noted in his State of the Union, America’s economy is transitioning from economic uncertainty into a soft landing.  We are pleased to see historic job creation and robust small business growth. For the first time in modern history, the lowest-paid workers are getting the most significant wage growth…” [Statement, 2/7/23]


Common Defense: “One of the most pro-veteran administrations of our time. Thank you @POTUS for your unwavering advocacy.” [Tweet, 2/08/23]

Elizabeth Dole Foundation: “‘But time and again, Democrats & Republicans came together. Came together to pass one of the most significant laws ever, helping veterans exposed to toxic burn pits.’ – @POTUS #sotu2023” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Everyday Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America: “Last year, President Biden focused on #BurnPits in his SOTU address. And the largest healthcare bill, the #PACTAct was passed. Now millions of toxic exposed veterans will now get the healthcare and benefits they deserve.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

The American Legion: “The American Legion is pleased that the @WhiteHouse is bringing needed attention to the tragedy of #veteran #suicide.” [Tweet, 2/08/23]

Travis Akers, Veterans Influencer: “’No one should be homeless in America, especially someone who served their country.’ – President Biden, SOTU” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

VoteVets: “Thank you @POTUS Biden #SOTU2023” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Asian Americans and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders

Sung Yeon Choimorrow, Executive Director, National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF): ” This evening, President Joe Biden highlighted the recent shooting in Monterey Park and reaffirmed his commitment to abortion rights in his State of the Union address. One of President Biden’s guests at the State of the Union was Brandon Tsay, a 26-year-old hero who prevented the Monterey Park shooter from harming more people…”[Statement, 2/07/23]

Japanese American Citizens League (JACL): “Last night, President Joe Biden delivered his second annual State of the Union address. While touching on a number of points, the President’s major message throughout his address were calls to work across the partisan divide and to make significant progress towards meeting the needs of the American people.” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Asian American Justice Center: “Our communities continue to be devastated by gun violence and much remains to be done to help us heal. We need laws and policies that will keep our communities safe. 77% of Asian Americans agree that we need stricter gun laws. We need action now on gun violence prevention. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Christine Chen, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Asian Pacific Islander American Vote: “Over the last two years, President Joe Biden and the 117th Congress made significant legislative victories that will have long-lasting positive impacts for Asian American and Pacific Islander communities…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Gregg Orton, National Director, National Council on Asian Pacific Americans: “As we reflect on the last two years of the Biden-Harris Administration, two truths stand out. First, we have made remarkable progress in recovering from a pandemic that brought with it a crushing economic downturn, as well as a wave of anti-Asian racism that left our community fearful and deeply hurt…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Juliet K. Choi, President and CEO, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum: “We echo President Biden’s declarations to continue the path forward to expand health care access for all Americans, including protecting reproductive rights and the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans. This also includes support for the Cancer Moonshot, patients and their families, and standing up for seniors.” [Statement, 2/07/23]

National Asian American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship: “National ACE supports the President’s efforts to “finish the job” of building the economy from the bottom up, and reforming the tax code to reward work. We are grateful to the Administration for its continued efforts to combat AAPI hate, including the recent launch of the National Strategy to Advance Equity, Justice and Opportunity for AA and NHPIs…” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Norman Chen, The Asian American Foundation: “TAAF is proud of the progress we’ve made and how the U.S. has rebuilt in the aftermath of COVID. Today, we see the revitalization of industries and in our own communities, the strengthening of small businesses.” [Statement, 2/8/23]

One APIA Nevada: “President Biden’s #StateOfTheUnion included: – $35 Cap on Insulin – Protecting #AbortionAccess – Sustainable Energy #InflationReductionAct – Pathway to Citizenship Policies like these will directly support our Asian and Pacific Islander communities in Nevada!” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Latino Leaders

Felipe Benitez, Executive Director and Founder of Corazón Latino: “We are proud that this administration has proven to be a climate ally focused on social and environmental justice. President Biden was confidently able to discuss all of the accomplishments already made by this administration that have laid the foundation for remarkable progress to improve the quality of life for generations of Americans…” [Statement, 2/08/23]

Frankie Miranda, President, Hispanic Federation: “Two years ago, our country was in the midst of a once-in-a-century pandemic that had killed hundreds of thousands of people, led to an economic downturn, increased unemployment, and shed a bright light on the ugly disparities that exist in our country…” [Statement, 02/08/23]

Janet Murguía, President and CEO, Unidos US: “We applaud President Biden’s leadership that has helped Latinos, and all Americans, weather the health and economic challenges from the pandemic, begin to rebuild our infrastructure, and create jobs…” [Press Release, 2/08/23]

Luis Belen, Chief Executive Officer, National Health IT Collective: “… NHIT applauds President Biden renewed commitment to bridging the health equity gap through meaningful investments in high-speed internet infrastructure and access, cutting-edge technology, and human capital.” [Statement, 02/07/23]

María Teresa Kumar, President and CEO of Voto Latino: “Tonight we saw a president aiming to foster unity between Americans and advocate for an equitable nation, instead of fueling the bigotry, hate, and chaos being pushed by the Republican Party…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Marla Bilonick, NALCAB’s President & CEO: “As the President noted in his State of the Union, America’s economy is transitioning from economic uncertainty into a soft landing. We are pleased to see historic job creation and robust small business growth. For the first time in modern history, the lowest-paid workers are getting the most significant wage growth…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Nathalie Rayes, President and CEO, Latino Victory Project: “…Thanks to policies like the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, our economy is strong, and we’re seeing historic economic growth bolstered by a 50-year record low unemployment rate. These policies are also a tremendous benefit for the Latino community…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

National Nat’l Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators: “We support @POTUS’s efforts to make Comprehensive Immigration Reform a reality and provide a pathway to citizenship for DREAMers.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Somos Votantes: “While Republicans work to build an economy that holds us back, President Biden and Democrats are fighting for working people como nosotros. #AmericaWinsWithBiden #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

“In January 2022, Latino unemployment was 10.4%. By November, it was just 3.9%. Hardworking Latinos showed up to elect President Biden, giving him the support he needed to pass his ambitious agenda and put America back to work! #AmericaWinsWithBiden” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

LGBTQI+ Leaders

Justin Nelson, President, National LGBT Chamber of Commerce: “LGBT-owned businesses have bounced back strong in the past two years thanks to critical bipartisan investments like the Restaurant Revitalization Fund and the Paycheck Protection Program included in the American Rescue Plan…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Kelley Robinson, President, Human Rights Campaign: “Tonight, in front of Congress and the nation, President Biden called attention to the campaign of hatred that is driving discriminatory legislation that targets transgender kids in statehouses around the country. Extremist lawmakers are banning best-practice, doctor approved care, kicking kids off sports teams, censoring curriculum and more…” [Press Release, 2/07/23]

Kierra Johnson, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force: “President Biden did something we do not often see—he defined the villains. Companies who care more about profits than people and Congresspeople who refuse to seek bipartisan solutions…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO, GLAAD: “President Biden included LGBTQ people in his vision for a more equal, more free and more compassionate country. In re-upping his call for Congress to pass the Equality Act and protect transgender youth, the President is leading by example to expand freedom so no one is left behind…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Equality California: Grateful to see @POTUS call on Congress to #PassTheEqualityAct during the #StateOfTheUnion and protect all LGBTQ+ Americans from discrimination, regardless of the places they call home. [Tweet, 2/08/23]

Black Leaders

Derrick Johnson, NAACP President and CEO: “President Biden presented a vision for the future that spoke to many issues that are top-of-mind for Black Americans including police reform, voting rights, bolstering our economy, addressing climate change, and ensuring affordable and accessible health care…” [Quoted in The Hill, 2/07/23]

NAACP: “The Infrastructure & Jobs Bill works for Black America to transform generations of economic access, opportunity, and viability within the Black community, allowing Black communities to #thrive and flourish and finally engage in the benefits promised by the American Dream. #SOTU.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

African American Mayors Association: “AAMA continues to applaud the historic progress and profound gains of the Biden Administration. We share President Biden’s optimism about the future of our country and wholeheartedly believe that the state of our union is made stronger by his leadership.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Dr. David J. Johns, Executive Director, National Black Justice Coalition: “We applaud the President for highlighting critical areas the National Black Justice Coalition has advocated for early and often with the administration…” [Statement, 2/08/23]

Maya Wiley, The Leadership Conference President & CEO: #POTUS showed up a bipartisan populist who will veto what hurts people. He named critical @civilrightsorg priorities that too many politicians have been attacking. #sotu2023.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Alicia Garza, principal of the Black to the Future Action Fund: “Last night, President Biden laid out a vision – and that vision was shaped by Black voters. We’ve pushed hard, and we know the Administration is listening. We can’t stop now. It’s time to ‘finish the job’ and build the power to translate policy into real progress, felt by each of us in our daily lives…” [Quoted in The Hill, 2/08/23]

National Action Network: “”We must protect the right to vote, not suppress that fundamental right. We honor the results of our elections, not subvert the will of the people. We must uphold the rule of the law and restore trust in our institutions of democracy.” – @POTUS #sotu2023.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, Former North Carolina NAACP President, Minister and Co-Chair of the Poor People’s Campaign: “POTUS was brilliant last night. The old man, like Solomon, showed the difference b/w wisdom & foolishness, calling Republicans bluff & forcing them to publicly reject threats of cutting Social Security & Medicaid.” [Tweet, 2/08/23]

Sherrilyn Ifill, Former President & Director-Counsel of LDF (NAACP Legal Defense Fund). Sr Fellow, Ford Foundation: “This THREAD of @POTUS interactions for OVER AN HOUR in the chamber AFTER his #SOTU should tell you all you need to know about the stamina, mental acuity & preparedness of Joe Biden for 2024. Wow. It’s frankly, unbelievable. This must drive his opponents nuts.” [Tweet Thread, 2/07/23]

Colmon Elridge, Chair of Kentucky Democrats: “I’ve never heard a @POTUSreference “the talk” in a #SOTU. My son texted me from his room “I hope @JoeBiden talking about that makes us safer.” The real estate in a SOTU is prime. That he took a moment to acknowledge the fears of black parents & their children is breathtaking. [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Jewish Leaders

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO, Anti-Defamation League: “Appropriate for @POTUS to highlight rising extremism in #SOTU. To echo his words, we must give all forms of hate no safe harbor. We must all work together to push back against the normalization of hatred.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

National C0uncil of Jewish Women:“We’re with you @POTUS. All Americans deserve reproductive freedom, full stop. #SOTU2023 #JewsforAbortionAccess” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Sheila Katz, CEO, National Council of Jewish Women: “Restoring the dignity of work! Yes to sick days! Yes to PAID family and medical leave! Yes to affordable child care! #sotu2023″ [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Rural Leaders

National Farmers Union: “Nearly three quarters of farmers and farmworkers say that they’ve been directly impacted by the opioid epidemic. We comment the @WhiteHouse for recognizing this crisis, pursuing evidence-based prevention, and expanding access to addiction treatment for communities nationwide.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Olga Morales-Pate, CEO, Rural Community Assistance Partners: “RCAP agrees – America should be #1 in infrastructure – especially for clean water! We are proud to work with the @WhiteHouse and @EPA to ensure that historic funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law reaches underserved rural and indigenous communities. #RuralMatters #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

RuralOrganizing.org: “Here’s an excerpt from Biden’s #SOTU address that will strike a chord with many rural families. This is what our president wants to deliver and we will continue to work with Dems in Congress to make it happen.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Save the Children U.S.: “No parent should have to drive by a McDonald’s parking lot so their kid can do their homework online.” Couldn’t agree more, @POTUS. Half of rural families report difficulty connecting to high-speed internet. We must ensure kids have access to the tools they need to learn. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Gender Equity Leaders

A Better Balance: “No one should have to sacrifice their economic security in order to care for their health and their loved ones. Thank you @POTUS for calling the paid sick time and #PaidLeaveforAll policies that working families urgently need!” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Alexis McGill Johnson, President, Planned Parenthood Action Fund: “The abortion access crisis is a national public health crisis. We need everyone in a position of power to fight alongside us to protect this essential health care. Tonight, the President did that by speaking emphatically about every person deserving the ability to make their own health care decisions — without political interference…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

A’shanti F. Gholar, President, Emerge America: Tonight President Joe Biden championed an America resilient in the face of its problems, because when Americans come together to solve our biggest issues, we always emerge stronger…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Care in Action: “Let’s give a little more breathing room to millions of caregivers looking after their loved ones. Pass my plan so we support the workers who are doing God’s work. @POTUS said SUPPORT CARE WORKERS #SOTU2023” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Caring Across Generations: “@POTUS makes it clear: #CareCantWait and *must* be a priority in 2023: “Let’s make sure working parents can afford to raise a family with sick days, paid family and medical leave, and affordable child care that will enable millions more people to go to work. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Center for Reproductive Rights: “Thank you, President Biden (@POTUS) for your commitment to reproductive rights. We look forward to continuing to work with the Biden-Harris administration to protect Americans’ fundamental rights and restore abortion rights nationwide. #AbortionIsEssential” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Center for Reproductive Rights: “Thank you, President Biden (@POTUS) for your commitment to reproductive rights. We look forward to continuing to work with the Biden-Harris administration to protect Americans’ fundamental rights and restore abortion rights nationwide. #AbortionIsEssential” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Dr. Deborah Turner, League of Women Voters: “President Biden said, ‘Democracy must not be a partisan issue. It must be an American issue.’ We couldn’t agree more…”  [Statement, 2/07/23]

Family Values Work Network: “Our work has an impact! For 20 years, Family Values @ Work’s Network has worked tirelessly to advance paid family and medical leave at the state level and at the federal level. Today marks a continued milestone in our efforts to keep our demands at the forefront of those who have the power to influence and pass legislation…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Girls Inc.: “‘Congress must restore the right the Supreme Court took away last year and codify Roe v. Wade to protect every woman’s constitutional right to choose.’  Thank you, @POTUS #sotu2023” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Julie Kashen, Director, Women’s Economic Justice, The Century Foundation: “‘Let’s make sure all working families can afford to make a living with #paidsickdays #Paidfamilyleave affordable #childcare’ – @POTUS #SOTU #CareCantWait” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, Executive Director and CEO, MomsRising: “…The moms of America know the state of our union can only be strong when the country’s moms and families are economically secure, we can all access and afford the health care we need — including abortion care, our tax policies require everyone to pay their fair share, and our immigration and public safety policies are sound. That is the vision President Biden offered the country tonight.” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Mini Timmaraju, President, NARAL Pro-Choice America: “President Biden reaffirmed tonight that his administration will defend abortion rights—hard stop…We are grateful for the president’s commitment to veto any extreme national bans on abortion that come from MAGA Republicans in Congress, and we look forward to continued collaboration with the administration to restore and expand abortion access.” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Nancy Northrup, President and CEO, Center for Reproductive Rights: “We thank the First Lady for inviting Amanda Zurawski of Texas as her guest at tonight’s State of Union address, whose tragic experience with the Texas abortion ban highlights the needless suffering taking place in our country because of criminal abortion bans…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

NARAL Pro-Choice America: “Politicians should never interfere with our own personal decisions—thank you @POTUS for making it clear that reproductive freedom is a fundamental freedom. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

National Asian Women Pacific American Women’s Forum: “We appreciate President Biden bringing additional visibility to the heinous acts of violence in California that reverberated throughout the Asian American and Pacific Islander community…” [Press Release, 2/07/23]

National C0uncil of Jewish Women: “We’re with you @POTUS. All Americans deserve reproductive freedom, full stop. #SOTU2023 #JewsforAbortionAccess” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

National Domestic Worker’s Alliance: “Families across the country can’t access childcare services due to rising costs. That’s why we’re fighting for the federal government to make bold investments in the care economy. #SOTU2023 Thank you, @POTUS” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

National Partnership for Women and Families: “As lawmakers at state and federal levels continue their onslaught of attacks against abortion rights, we are so thankful that the Biden administration is dedicated to standing with us in the fight for reproductive justice going forward.  #SOTU2023” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

National Women’s Law Center: “We’re grateful for @POTUS’ commitment to vetoing a national abortion ban. There is no reasonable ban—abortion will always be necessary. #AbortionAlways #StateOfTheUnion” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Planned Parenthood Action: “YES. This is the type of commitment we need from our leaders at every level of government. We’re looking forward to working with @POTUS  in the fight for a future where everyone can access abortion, in every community, across the country. #SOTU23” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Ultraviolet: “It is thrilling to see @POTUS give credit where credit is due. #BlackWomenLead #sotu2023” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Candace Waterman, President and CEO, Women Impacting Public Policy: “Over the last two years, the Biden-Harris Administration has worked with Congress and across the aisle to advance important legislation, including the CHIPS & Science Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law which have collectively authorized billions of dollars for federal contracting and procurement.” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Disability Advocates

Dom Kelly, President & CEO, New Disabled South: “It’s time that disabled people get care in their homes instead of institutions. It’s time that care workers get paid living wages. We can finally get this done. #CareCantWait #sotu2023″ [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Kim Knackstedt, Senior Fellow and Co-Director, The Century Foundation: “Every issue is a disability issue. #Caregiving is critical for disabled people to live in homes, work, receive an education, & fully participate in their communities. Thanks @POTUS for highlighting that #CareCantWait #SOTU #DisCo” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Laura Kennedy, Board President, The Arc of the United States: “When @POTUS talks about supporting families and people with disabilities with home care services— and the workers who provide them— this is who he means. Ray and Nicholas (and countless families like them) deserve the services to live and work in their community! #SOTU @SOTU2023″ [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Nicole Jorwic, Chief of Advocacy and Campaigns: “Still a little tear-y thinking about the fact that @POTUSchighlighted ALL care pillars in #sotu2023 #PaidLeave #ChildCare #AgingAndDisabilityCare & good pay for #CareWork So proud to be part of the #CareCantWait coalition. We’ve shown we are #StrongerTogether Let’s get it done” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Tony Coelho, Founder, Coelho Center for Disability Law, Policy and Innovation at Loyola Marymount University: “We have a President who supports and understands the #Disability community! #disabilityinclusion @POTUS ‘Pass my plan so we get seniors and people with disabilities the home care services they need and support the workers who are doing God’s work.’” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Aging Advocates

Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO, AARP: “Americans should be able to trust that our leaders will safeguard the hard-earned Social Security and Medicare benefits they have contributed to and earned throughout their lives. @AARP is encouraged to hear this commitment echoed tonight. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Jason Resendez, President and CEO, National Alliance for Caregiving: “The National Alliance for Caregiving applauds the inclusion of family caregivers in President Biden’s State of the Union address…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Kathleen Romig, Director of Social Security and Disability Policy, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: “Terrific to hear President Biden continue to push the care agenda: paid leave, sick days, child care, home- and community-based services, supporting family caregivers, and more. #CareCantWait #CBPPSOTU” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare: “Tonight’s State of the Union address served as a vivid reminder of what the Biden administration has accomplished in two short years to improve health care for American seniors…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Ramsey Alwin, CEO, National Coalition on Aging: “#Social Security & #Medicare are a lifeline for millions of seniors. Americans have been paying into them with every single paycheck since they started working. Those benefits BELONG to the American people. WE earned them…” #sotu2023 #WeAgeWell” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Faith Based Organizations:

American Muslim Health Professionals: “A record-breaking 16M + people have signed up for high-quality, affordable health insurance through the #AffordableCareAct this year. To continue this growth & protections @POTUS made it clear: “Let’s Finish the JOB & make these laws permanent!” #StateOfTheUnionAddress #sotu2023″ [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Catholic Democrats: “Our analysis: @POTUS took a laundry list speech and elevated it through the vigor and spirit of unity with which he delivered it. #sotu2023″ [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Democratic Majority for Israel: “…President Biden’s work goes beyond the material. He is restoring the soul of America and fighting to ensure our democracy remains strong, as does our mutually beneficial alliance with Israel. DMFI is committed to helping him finish the job.” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Emgage: “…For Muslim Americans, the President delivered on day one of his presidency—just as he promised at the historic Emgage Action Summit—by ending the Muslim Ban…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Friends Committee on National Legislation: “Last night, @POTUS called for restoration of the #ChildTaxCredit & $$ for community intervention programs like violence interrupters. He called for justice reform w/the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. We echo his call on these overdue steps. #SOTU #ThePeopleSOTU” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Halie Sofer, CEO, Jewish Democratic Council of America: “Tonight, the President made clear what Jewish Dems have long known: Joe Biden is a champion of the causes that matter most to a majority of Americans, including Jewish Americans, and he’s delivering real results…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Latter Day Saints for Biden Harris: As President Biden outlined tonight, there are many places where Democrats and Republicans can find agreement, including public safety, immigration, mental health, curing cancer, and treating addiction…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice: “@POTUS: “There is no place for political violence in America. We must protect the right to vote, not suppress that fundamental right.” Amen. #BuildAnew”  [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Gun Violence Prevention Advocates

David Hogg, March for Our Lives Co-Founder and Board Member: @POTUS has by far been the most successful president in my lifetime. He has gotten far more done already than I was ever expecting. Turns out having 50+ years of experience in Washington has its perks. I am so thankful. He’s completely changed my view of how to get things done.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

John Feinblatt, President, Everytown: “President Biden has led the strongest gun safety administration in history, but there is so much more to do when it comes to keeping Americans safe from the horrors of gun violence…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Sandy Hook Promise: “We can protect Second Amendment rights and also keep communities safe. “We echo @POTUS in urging Congress to continue to work to stop gun violence.” –@markbardenSHP. Read our statement on last night’s State of the Union address. #EndGunViolence #SOTU.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Kris Brown, President, Brady United: “Tonight, we echo President Biden’s words: the United States needs continued and increased action to address America’s gun violence crisis. And while the White House has already taken historic, and expansive action, it cannot solve this problem alone…” [Press Release, 2/07/23]

Peter Ambler, Executive Director and Co-Founder, Giffords: “…President Biden has been a stalwart leader on gun safety, from pushing ATF to regulate ghost guns to signing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act into law, but more must be done…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Students Demand Action: “Thank you @POTUS for honoring gun violence survivors tonight by calling for action. Young people are counting on you and our lawmakers to fight for a future free from gun violence. #SOTU.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Voting Rights Advocates

Rahna Epting, Executive Director, MoveOn: “Tonight, the American people heard President Biden detail the hard-fought progress of the last two years to build an economy that works for everyone, defend our democracy, lower unemployment, and rebuild our nation from the pandemic…” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

The Leadership Conference: “Last night, @POTUS underscored his support for some of our coalition’s priorities. In 2023 and beyond, we look forward to continuing to work with the administration & lawmakers – alongside our coalition – to strengthen civil & human rights for all. #SOTU.” [Statement, 2/08/23]

Vanessa Cardenas, Executive Director of America’s Voice: President Biden has a unique opportunity to draw contrasts with Republicans and – just like he has done with other issues – bring forth solutions consistent with our values and that are popular with American voters and beneficial to the economy.  [Statement, 2/07/23]

America Votes:We’re thrilled that democracy was a central theme of last night’s State of the Union Address. Here are some of the highlights from @POTUS’ #SOTU speech” [Tweet, 2/08/23]

New Georgia Project: “We must protect the right to vote, not suppress that fundamental right. We honor the results of our elections, not subvert the will of the people.” @POTUS #sotu2023 [Tweet, 2/08/23]

Black Voters Matter Fund: December’s jobs report may show positive trends overall, but the growing racial disparity in employment highlights the ongoing impact of systemic bias against Black workers. Policymakers must use all resources to support a fair and inclusive economic recovery for all. #SOTU [Tweet, 2/08/23]

Climate Advocates

Ben Jealous, Executive Director, The Sierra Club: “…And listening to President Biden this evening, everyone was reminded of the historic progress made to grow a greener economy and reduce the effect of climate change in ways that ensure greater racial and economic justice and can lead to a safer, more livable planet…” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Gene Karpinski, President, League of Conservation Voters: “President Biden deserves immense credit for doing more to tackle the climate crisis than any U.S. president in history. As we heard tonight, swift, effective and equitable implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act is a top priority and a huge opportunity to deliver for hardworking families…” [Press Release, 2/08/23]

World Resources Institute: “The #SOTU2023 offered @POTUS the chance to celebrate the historic climate legislation passed under his watch, including the #InflationReductionAct and #BIL. Keeping this momentum going is critical for meeting the U.S. climate goals. #ClimateAction.” [Twitter Thread, 2/08/23]

Lisa Frank, Executive Director of Environment Campaigns Director, U.S. PIRG: “The United States is blessed with some of the earth’s mightiest rivers and deepest lakes, but as our nation progressed, the cleanliness of our water regressed. We can thank President Biden for removing lead pipes so we can have safer drinking water…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Jason Walsh, Executive Director, BlueGreen Alliance: “The first two years of the Biden-Harris administration have seen the passage of historic and impactful pieces of legislation for workers and the environment…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Lori Lodes, Executive Director, Climate Power: “Tonight, President Biden championed working families and Made in America clean energy. Under his leadership, the Inflation Reduction Act has put the United States on the cutting edge of manufacturing and innovation—creating a clean energy economic boom all across the country” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Manish Bapna, President and CEO, Natural Resources Defense Council: “From day one of his administration, President Biden has prioritized climate action and clean energy investment. Those efforts are paying dividends for people across the nation, in red states and blue…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Climate Mayors: “ClimateMayors are grateful to be working with an administration that is supportive of #ClimateAction in our cities. Thank you @POTUS!.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

EnviroVoters: “The Inflation Reduction Act is “the most significant investment ever to tackle the climate crisis.” @POTUS #sotu2023 The IRA is a HISTORIC down payment towards tackling the climate crisis and will reduce U.S. emissions to 50% of 2005 levels by 2030.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Evergreen Action: “The Inflation Reduction Act is “the most significant investment ever to tackle the climate crisis.” @POTUS is right. The IRA is historic. And in the last 6 months, it’s delivered on climate, jobs, and justice, all while lowering costs for American families. And we’re just getting started. #SOTU2023.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Margie Alt, Director, Climate Action Campaign: “We are thankful for the historic climate and clean energy investments President Biden achieved  – and we are excited about the president’s work to rebuild America to weather the next storms, droughts, and floods… [Statement, 2/07/23]

Yoca Arditi-Rocha, Executive Director, The CLEO Institute: “Thank you @POTUS @JoeBiden ! For America to be Future Ready, we need to be Climate Ready…all while building economic prosperity and energy freedom/security for all” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Immigration Advocates

Jennie Murray, President and CEO, National Immigration Forum: “We’re encouraged that the president addressed border challenges and the need for immigration reforms. Resources for the border and solutions for Dreamers, people with Temporary Protected Status and farmworkers are priorities for the president and Congress to address this year…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Wisconsin Conservation Voters: Deanna Branch is at tonight’s SOTU address. She is working to build a lead-safe environment in MKE after her son battled lead poisoning as a result of unsafe levels in their drinking water. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is crucial to her work. [Tweet, 2/08/23]

OEC Action Fund: Thanks to President @JoeBiden, @SenSherrodBrown and a strong, diverse coalition of advocates, the United States has its first-ever comprehensive climate bill on the books, creating thousands of good-paying jobs here in Ohio. #SOTU #OhioEnviro [Tweet, 2/08/23]

Clean Air Ohio Moms: “Let’s face reality. The climate crisis doesn’t care if your state is red or blue. It’s an existential threat. We have an obligation to our children and grandchildren to confront it. I’m proud of how America is at last stepping up, but there’s so much more to do.” @POTUS #SOTU [Tweet, 2/08/23]

Youth Leaders

Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez, President, NextGen America: “Earlier this month, NextGen America and 20 coalition partners sent President Biden the Youth Agenda, a list of legislative priorities outlining young peoples’ hopes and vision for the future. After watching his address tonight, it is clear he is listening to us and willing to continue fighting for our movement.” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Food Research & Action Center: “For the second #SOTU in a row, @POTUS champions the expanded #ChildTaxCredit: ‘Let’s also restore the full Child Tax Credit, which gave tens of millions of parents some breathing room and cut child poverty in half, to the lowest level in history.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Kelley Robinson, President of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC): “Tonight, in front of Congress and the nation, President Biden called attention to the campaign of hatred that is driving discriminatory legislation that targets transgender kids in statehouses around the country…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Santiago Meyer, Executive Director, Voters of Tomorrow: “… We know President Biden means it when he says he intends to ban assault weapons, protect LGBTQ+ and abortion rights, and ensure everyone can access affordable healthcare…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

NDN Collective: “BAN ASSULT WEAPONS NOW. ONCE AND FOR ALL. #sotu2023.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Texas Signal: “@POTUS remembers the Uvalde families tonight during the State of the Union. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

MOVE Texas: “We are all worthy of what we expect in a democracy– leaders who celebrate our participation, are responsive to our needs, and take our issues seriously. Join us as we tune in to the #SOTU address tonight!” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Varshini Prakash, Executive Director, Sunrise Movement: “President Biden’s right – we’ve come a long way, but the jobs not done. Truthfully, we’ve heard a lot of good things tonight, but if the President wants to keep his promises and energize young voters ahead of 2024, he must act on his words, use his full executive authority to stop the climate crisis and deliver for our generation…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Kristen McGuire, Executive Director, Young Invincibles: “…We fully celebrate the President’s pivotal action with the Student Debt Cancellation Program but denounce the subsequent legal maneuvers holding cancellation and the financial prospects of millions of borrowers hostage.” [Statement, 2/08/23]

Healthcare Advocates

American Cancer Society Action Network: “We agree, @POTUS. Let’s all work together to end cancer as we know it for everyone. Congress, join @POTUS’ commitment to keep the momentum with the progress we’ve made. In a climate of strained budgets & hard choices, saving lives should be non-negotiable. #SOTU #CancerMoonshot” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

American Cancer Society Action Network: “We agree, @POTUS. Let’s all work together to end cancer as we know it for everyone. Congress, join @POTUS’ commitment to keep the momentum with the progress we’ve made. In a climate of strained budgets & hard choices, saving lives should be non-negotiable. #SOTU #CancerMoonshot” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Dawn Huckelbridge, Director, Paid Leave for All: “The President’s empathy, optimism, and commitment to getting the job done on paid leave will energize voters and working families everywhere…” [Statement, 2/08/23]

Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director, Coalition on Human Needs: “The President called for paid leave and for expanding prescription drug price reductions beyond Medicare to the general population.  He wants to invest in more substance use disorder and mental health treatment, and to improve education and its affordability from pre-k through college…” [Statement, 2/08/23]

Families USA: “Yes! Letting more people get care from #Medicaid is a popular & important way to help save lives & protect families’ pocketbooks. @POTUS is right that we need to extend health coverage to more people & ensure everyone can get covered, regardless of where they were born #SOTU2023″ [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Leslie Dach, Chair, Protect Our Care: “Over the past two years, President Biden has demonstrated what it means to be a health care president. Under President Biden’s leadership, Democrats in Congress have delivered for the American people by expanding affordable coverage, lowering prescription drug prices, and strengthening access to health care…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Margarida Jorge, Health Care for America Now Executive Director: The policy priorities President Biden put forth in his State of the Union address demonstrate his continued commitment to increasing access to affordable health care, stopping corporate profiteering and making our tax system more fair…” [Statement, 2/07/23]

The Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law: “President Biden just said, ‘When millions of young people are struggling with bullying, violence, trauma, we owe them greater access to mental health care at their schools.’” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO, AARP: “AARP has been crystal clear with Congress and the President: Americans should be able to trust that our leaders will safeguard their hard-earned Social Security and Medicare benefits they have contributed to and earned throughout their lives…” [Statement, 2/08/23]

American Psychiatric Association (APA): “In the lead-up to tonight’s State of the Union address, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) applauds the continued emphasis on mental health in the Biden Administration’s Unity Agenda. While the nation faces the opioid epidemic, an ongoing crisis in youth mental health, and barriers to access, mental health is truly an issue where bipartisan progress can and must be made.” [Statement, 2/07/23]

Education Advocates:

Randi Weingarten, President of American Federation of Teachers: “ I’m so glad that @POTUS talked about career and technical education tonight. We’ve been working to implement high-quality CTE programs across the country. #WhatKidsNeed #SOTU2023” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

AFT Pennsylvania: “Let’s give public school teachers a raise” – @POTUS *celebration gif*” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

The Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA): “Let’s give public school teachers a raise,” Pres. Biden said to a standing ovation during his #SOTU23 address Tuesday. “We’re making progress by reducing student debt, increasing Pell grants for working and middle class families. Let’s finish the job…” [Tweet, 2/08/23]

University of California President: Promoting access to health care across California, including with our most vulnerable communities, is a top priority for @UofCalifornia, and initiatives such as the Cancer Moonshot and #ARPAH make it easier to address some of the most pressing health challenges. #SOTU [Tweet, 2/08/23]

Drug Policy Advocates:

American Society of Addiction Medicine: “ASAM Applauds Emphasis on Solutions to America’s Addiction and Overdose Crisis in President’s State of the Union Address; Urges Caution Against Overreliance on Criminalization.  Read the full statement.” [Tweet, 2/08/23]

The Pew Trusts: “Last night, President Biden and Governor Sanders discussed the devastating effects of the synthetic opioid fentanyl—which is 50 times stronger than heroin. It’s time to focus on harm reduction so we can save lives. #SOTU #StateOfTheUnion https://pew.org/3RITv48.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]


Official news published at https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/02/10/what-they-are-saying-wide-range-of-constituencies-union-leaders-business-leaders-and-advocates-applaud-president-bidens-state-of-the-union-address/

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