Leaders Applaud the President’s State of the Union Address

Tuesday, the President was strong and energetic in his State of the Union address. He spoke clearly and directly to the American people about the progress we’ve made over the past two years and his agenda for the future. And, he said clearly that we need to finish the job.

He talked about his efforts to tackle inflation, give families more breathing room, and combat junk fees that cost families millions.

In stark contrast to Congressional Republicans’ heckling and jeers, the President was optimistic about the future and called on Republicans to work with Democrats to deliver for families, instead of engage in endless partisan warfare. 

See below for what bipartisan leaders across a federal, state and local level are saying about President Biden’s State of the Union address:

Congressional Leaders

Senate Majority Leader, New York Senator Chuck Schumer: “…The speech tonight was a great success… After tonight’s speech, it’s clear that under President Biden’s leadership, our nation is rising to new heights as we work towards building a brighter and more equitable future for all Americans.” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Senate Majority Whip, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin: “Because the soul of this nation is strong, because the backbone of this nation is strong, because the people of this nation are strong, the State of the Union is strong.” Couldn’t agree more, Mr. President. [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Vice Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus and Chair, Senate Intelligence Committee, Virginia Senator Mark Warner: “… I agree with the President: “what we have accomplished over these last two years demonstrates what can be done when both parties put aside their red and their blue jerseys, and focus on getting stuff done for the American people…” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Vice Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren: “The President’s speech was filled with economic policy to benefit working people and the middle class — from cutting junk fees and enforcing antitrust law to taxing billionaires and investing in child care. Joe Biden doing what he does best.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

President Pro Tempore of the Senate and Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Washington Senator Patty Murray: “That was one heck of a speech last night, @POTUS ! I was honored to help escort you into the #SOTU. Let’s keep delivering results for the American people!” [Tweet, 2/8/23]

Secretary of the Senate Democratic Caucus, Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin: “In the last two years, I worked hard with President Biden to lower costs for working families, boost our Made in Wisconsin economy, and create good paying jobs in all corners of our state. I am thrilled that he recognized that work tonight.” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Chair of the House Democratic Caucus, California Congressman Pete Aguilar: “Let’s finish the job for the American people.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

House Minority Leader, New York Congressman Hakeem Jeffries: “President Biden delivered a compelling speech outlining a vision to make life better for everyday Americans.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

House Minority Whip, Massachusetts Congresswoman Katherine Clark: “President Biden highlighted for the American people what’s possible when families are front and center in Washington. Under his leadership, Democrats in Congress pulled our nation from the darkest days of the pandemic into a period of renewed opportunity – with 12 million new jobs, the lowest unemployment rate in half a century, and wage growth that is now outpacing inflation…” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Assistant Democratic Leader, South Carolina Congressman Jim Clyburn: “We’ve made tremendous progress on behalf of the American people over the last two years. Now it’s time for us to finish the job. Let’s get to work.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Chair, Senate Veteran’s Affairs Committee, Montana Senator Jon Tester: “…I appreciate President Biden tonight laying out his plan to tackle some of these issues, from inflation to housing to health care and childcare costs.” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Chair, Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee, Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow: “Let’s finish the job for the American people.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Chair, Senate Armed Services Committee, Rhode Island Senator Jack Reed: “Thank you, @POTUS for articulating tonight how America is truly the land of ‘possibilities.’ Together, we’re building an economy that works for all. And we’re just getting started. I often say, the reward for good work…is more work. Now, let’s finish the job. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Chair, Senate Rules and Administration Committee, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar: “At the State of the Union where the President is talking PROGRESS and America moving forward with optimism!” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Chair, Senate Budget Committee, Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: “Tonight, @POTUS gave an optimistic look at the possibilities for our nation. We’ve accomplished big things in the last year, and we need to keep building on our momentum.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Chair, Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, Washington Senator Maria Cantwell: “We must build on that progress and turn those investments into real solutions that will make our nation and our manufacturers competitive, bring more good-paying jobs back to America, and build a resilient economy for the future.” [Tweet Thread, 2/7/23]

Chair, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Delaware Senator Tom Carper: “As President Biden underscored in his address, we have made historic economic progress over the past two years. Our economy has created 12 million jobs, the unemployment rate has dropped to its lowest level since 1969, annual inflation has fallen the past six months, and the deficit has fallen by $1.7 trillion…” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Chair, Senate Ethics Committee, Delaware Senator Chris Coons: “During his State of the Union address last night, President @JoeBiden reminded the American people why he is the president for this moment. We’ve accomplished a lot over the past two years, and the president is ready to keep moving our country forward.” [Tweet, 2/8/23]

Chair, Senate Finance Committee, Oregon Senator Ron Wyden: “I’m proud that Democrats are delivering big, bold action on infrastructure, clean energy, drug costs and more. But there’s more work to be done. I look forward to the work ahead as we continue to tackle the priorities that matter to the American people.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Chair, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez: “Since President Joe Biden took office two years ago, more jobs have been created in the U.S. than in the last four presidencies combined. While our nation is still recovering from the devastating effects of the pandemic, Democrats in Congress executed a clear and effective agenda to make our economy stronger and more resilient…” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Chair, Senate Budget Committee, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders: “President Biden tonight gave a strong speech addressing many of the challenges our country faces. I look forward to working with him to take on powerful special interests and create an economy that works for all, not just the few.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Chair, Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, Michigan Senator Gary Peters: “Under President Biden’s leadership and with a Democratic majority in Congress, we’ve delivered results.” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Chair, Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, Maryland Senator Ben Cardin: “I’m proud of the historic accomplishments of the #117thCongress, and tonight, President Biden has shown his leadership, articulating a path forward to build on the progress we have made.” [Tweet Thread, 2/7/23]

Chair, Senate Aging Committee, Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey: “We’ve got more work to do to tackle the challenges facing working families, but the past two years have shown that the state of our union is strong and @POTUS and Democrats in Congress are here to finish the job.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Chair, Joint Economic Committee, New Mexico Senator Martin Heinrich: “President Biden has proven over these last two years that it is still possible for our elected leaders to deliver real progress and tangible results for the American people.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Ranking Member, House Education and the Workforce Committee, Virginia Congressman Bobby Scott: “…The President was clear that while we have made great strides, there is more work to do so we can finish the job of building an economy where everyone can succeed. Instead of passing tax cuts for corporations and billionaires, we have grown the economy by investing in working families…” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Ranking Member, House Appropriations Committee, Connecticut Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro: “We need a blue-collar blueprint to rebuild America and that’s exactly what President Biden outlined tonight…Under the leadership of President Biden, Democrats have enacted transformative policies to help working Americans with rising costs…”  [Statement, 2/7/23]

Ranking Member, House Armed Services Committee, Washington Congressman Adam Smith: “@POTUS ’s State of the Union address tonight made it clear: “the past two years have been marked by historic progress for the American people, and in the next two years we must work together to build on that progress in a meaningful way.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Ranking Member, House Budget Committee, Pennsylvania Congressman Brendan Boyle: “Affordable health care. The right to join a union. Better-paying jobs. That’s what every American worker deserves — and Democrats will fight to make it a reality. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Ranking Member, House Energy and Commerce Committee, New Jersey Congressman Frank Pallone: “…Listening to President Biden speak this evening, I was struck by the stark contrast between his optimistic agenda and the extreme Republican agenda…” [Statement, 2/8/23]

Ranking Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee, New York Congressman Gregory Meeks: “Under @POTUS leadership, we’ve seen record economic growth. Tonight, Americans heard the president’s vision for our country…lets finish the job and continue making history!” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Ranking Member, House Homeland Security Committee, Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson: “What a great way to end the night! Thank you, President Biden!” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Ranking Member, House Administration Committee, New York Congressman Joe Morelle: “The President outlined a bold agenda that reflects our shared democratic values, and I look forward to continuing our work on behalf of families in our community…” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Ranking Member, House Judiciary Committee, New York Congressman Jerry Nadler: “What we heard from President Biden tonight built on what so many Americans have learned to be true since he took office: “Democrats deliver for the people…” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Ranking Member, House Oversight and Accountability Committee, Maryland Congressman Jamie Raskin: “What a brilliant, refreshing speech that revives true American populism—progressive democratic populism, not right-wing authoritarian fake-populism. Biden sounds Rooseveltian and is taking American politics by storm.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Ranking Member, House Rules Committee, Massachusetts Congressman Jim McGovern: “Because the soul of this nation is strong, because the backbone of this nation is strong, because the people of this nation are strong, the State of the Union is strong.” Thank you for your strong leadership, @POTUS Biden.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Ranking Member, House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Washington Congressman Rick Larsen: “We are making our transportation system safer, cleaner, greener, and more accessible as projects across the country repair our roads and bridges, expand transit and rail service, create more livable communities, and increase port and airport capacity…” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Ranking Member, House Veteran’s Affairs Committee, California Congressman Mark Takano: “Let’s finish the job and invest in programs and services that will end veteran homelessness.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Speaker Emeritus, California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi: “… Under the President’s magnificent leadership, Democrats have made a tangible difference in the lives of America’s families.  From creating twelve million good-paying jobs to sparking a manufacturing boom to rebuilding our critical infrastructure, the Biden Agenda is powering a strong, steady economic recovery…” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, Nevada Congressman Steven Horsford: “I will continue to advocate for improving public safety until we get it done. Let’s finish the job for the American people. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Chair, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, California Congresswoman Nanette Barragán: “Great to share my priorities as @HispanicCaucus Chair, #SOTU2023, what @POTUS is doing for Latino communities, & my focus on environmental justice. @HouseDemocrats & @POTUS’ Admin make it possible for more Latinos to realize the American dream.” [Tweet, 2/8/23]

Chair of the Congressional Asian American and Pacific Islander Caucus, California Congresswoman Judy Chu: “America is at its best when we embrace our differences and diversity as strengths. As @POTUS called on us tonight: “We must give hate and extremism in any form no safe harbor.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Washington Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal: “That was just a helluva speech.  Populist, worker-driven, all about fairness and opportunity.  Congratulations @POTUS .  Your vision inspires us every day.  Let’s finish the job!! #sotu2023” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal: “@POTUS ’ words glowed with hope & energy in reminding us how much we can continue to accomplish when we work together. I was deeply moved by his determination & strength in urging heightened support for Ukraine against Putin’s murderous, genocidal invasion.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock: “Thank you for laying out your vision for how we can keep working together to create jobs, strengthen our democracy & make progress #ForGeorgia & all of our communities, @POTUS . When we center *people*, we have a better chance at getting the policy right. #SOTU2023” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Minnesota Senator Tina Smith: “Tonight, President Biden reminded us just how far we’ve come since he took office. The last two years of legislating have been the most productive in decades – we never backed down from big fights. I’m ready to keep that progress going.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker: “I was inspired tonight by President Biden’s remarks, not just reflecting on the progress we’ve made, but also his call to finish the job by investing in people and solutions to build a better America.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

New Mexico Senator Ben Ray Luján: “Thanks to @POTUS , Congressional Democrats, and the American people, the state of our Union is strong. Together, we’ve accomplished a lot in these past two years and there’s still a lot to get done. We’re just getting started.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley: “If there’s one thing that’ll stick with me from @POTUS ‘s State of the Union address, it’s how much stronger our country can be when our leaders focus on working together to lift everyone up instead of sowing division and trying to tear each other down.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

California Congresswoman Katie Porter: “Tonight, @POTUS was at his best. He delivered a personal speech with a progressive, populist vision for our country. Americans are counting on us to deliver competition, consumer protection, and corporate accountability. Count me in ” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Colorado Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen: “Last night, I spoke to President Biden on the floor after the #sotu2023 about the opioid epidemic and how we can work together to address this public health crisis. I applaud @POTUS for speaking directly to the American people about drug addiction and the dangers of fentanyl.” [Tweet, 2/8/23]

Colorado Congressman Joe Neguse: “The President delivered a compelling speech last night that offered an optimistic and hopeful vision for our great country. Excited to keep working together to build a better future for the American people.” [Tweet, 2/8/23]

Florida Congresswoman Lois Frankel: “Thank you, @POTUS! The State of our Union is strong #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Illinois Congresswoman Lauren Underwood: “Last night’s #SOTU Address showed the American people that Democrats are focused. We’re unified. And we’re ready to keep working to make life better for working people and families.” [Tweet, 2/8/23]

Maryland Congressman John Sarbanes: “In his #SOTU last night, @POTUS laid out how far our country has come and how far it can go if we work together. We must build on this progress and strengthen the economy, create safer communities, invest in education and expand access to health care.” [Tweet, 2/8/23]

Maryland Congressman Steny Hoyer: “…Under President Biden, we have seen what our government can accomplish by putting stability over chaos, reason over extremism, and People Over Politics. Now, we must finish the job…” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Missouri Congressman Emanuel Cleaver: “Last night, @POTUS spoke about the historic progress America has made under his leadership—but there is still work to do. From investing in American workers & bringing good-paying jobs back home to lowering costs for families & seniors, I am committed helping him finish the job!” [Tweet, 2/8/23]

New Jersey Congressman Bill Pascrell: “I am proud of our President and told him so last night. What America heard was a rebirth of the FDR Democratic Party in defense of liberty and regular Americans. I’ve been waiting a long time for a Democrat to say what @POTUS said.” [Tweet, 2/8/23]

North Carolina Congresswoman Kathy Manning: “Last night, President Biden’s message was clear: “under his leadership and with Democrats in Congress, our economy is stronger than ever and we’re going to keep building on that progress over the next two years.” [Tweet, 2/8/23]

Ohio Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur: “ Growing jobs and the economy Protecting retirement security for our seniors Standing up to Russia and China Stopping drugs at the border Supporting a free Ukraine I told @POTUS : “I’ve been waiting 41 years for that speech.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Tennessee Congressman Steve Cohen: “Historic progress in lowering prescription drug costs, strengthening Social Security & Medicare, reducing child poverty, and fueling a manufacturing boom in clean energy and infrastructure—all while reducing the deficit with fairer taxes on the wealthiest. Keep it coming @POTUS!” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Texas Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett: “. @POTUS ’ vision is clear: “the state of our Union is stronger than ever, but we must continue to do the good work to fulfill our promise of a better America. If tonight wasn’t enough proof, let me say it again: “Democrats are unified, right-wing extremists are unfit. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Vermont Congresswoman Becca Balint: “Incredibly inspired to be in the chamber for this year’s #SOTU alongside members of the most diverse class of representatives in history. The state of our union is strong. @POTUS knows there is work ahead to finish the job and make sure no one is left behind.” [Tweet, 2/8/23]


California Governor Gavin Newsom: “.@POTUS is right. The price of insulin is too high. Time for change. CA will be manufacturing its own insulin. Because we agree — it should be cheaper for everyone.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont: “The progress we’ve made as a nation since @POTUS Biden reported on the state of our union last year could not be clearer. Through bipartisan cooperation led by the President, we’re rebuilding our economy, rebuilding our infrastructure and manufacturing base…” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Delaware Governor John Carney: “The President laid out a clear vision for our country tonight. It’s a vision focused on the future. I agree with President Biden – “It’s never a good bet to bet against America.” And as we know in Delaware, he’s the right leader to get big things done for the American people.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Illinois Governor JB Pritzker: “What a privilege to have one of Illinois’ own chosen to attend as a guest of @FLOTUS to the State of the Union! We’re so proud of students like Kate who are ready to hit the ground running in their careers thanks to apprenticeship and job training programs across the state.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Hawaii Governor Josh Green: “I want to thank U.S. Representative Jill Tokuda for inviting me to be her guest at the State of the Union Address. Jill is an old friend and it was an experience of a lifetime. Plus it worked well, as this week is the first National Governors Association meeting of 2023.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Maryland Governor Wes Moore: “At the #StateOfTheUnion, @FLOTUS and the @SecondGentleman will be joined by Rockville resident Ruth Cohen, a Holocaust Survivor. Ruth is the embodiment of courage and I am proud that we’ll both be at the Capitol representing Maryland tonight.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey: “Massachusetts companies like @ADI_News are already on the cutting edge of semiconductor and chip innovation every day. We will make our country and our Commonwealth a hub for the technology of tomorrow. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz: “100%, @POTUS. I look forward to building on the progress we’ve made over the last two years by investing in health care, child care, education, and public safety while lowering costs for middle-class families, small businesses, and seniors. Let’s finish the job.” [Twitter, 2/7/23]

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy: “Over the past two years, under President Biden’s leadership, our nation has staged a historic comeback. Jobs are growing faster than ever, and unemployment is at all-time lows. American manufacturing is roaring louder than at any point in 40 years and small businesses are being opened at an unprecedented rate. Inflation is down and so is the deficit…” [Statement 2/7/23]

New York Governor Kathy Hochul: “The State of the Union is strong, thanks to the leadership of President Biden and the hard work of New Yorkers in Congress like Leader Schumer and Leader Jeffries…” [Statement, 2/8/23]

Oregon Governor Tina Kotek: “@POTUS knows that to build an economy that supports working families, we need to build infrastructure! Love the shout out to the Iron Workers! #SOTU” [Twitter, 2/7/23]

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro: “I join @POTUS’ #StateoftheUnion commitment to expanding our workforce, reigniting our economy, and giving every American the freedom to chart their own course.” [Twitter, 2/7/23]

Puerto Rico Governor Gobernador Pierluisi: “.@POTUS, PR is key to bringing manufacturing back to America. Our specialized workforce & strong industry has long-standing expertise producing pharma, med devices, tech parts. We can support growing sectors such as semiconductors & fiber optic cables. Let’s buy American in Title: Inserting image...!” [Twitter, 2/7/23]

Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee: “Looking forward to watching the #SOTU to hear@POTUS share his plan to continue building an economy that works from the bottom up and the middle out, boosting our competitiveness in the world, keeping the American people safe, and bringing the country together.” [Twitter, 2/7/23]

Washington Governor Jay Inslee: “The juvenile heckling by Republican representatives backfired tonight. President Biden’s agile and unruffled response showed who is in charge. And rightfully so. The president has achieved important strides on many fronts, including long overdue action on climate change. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Lieutenant Governors

Illinois Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton: “So much to love about the #SOTU! Invest in infrastructure. Job creation. Safe drinking water. Capping insulin costs for all. Clean energy future. Workers’ rights. Raises for public school teachers. Codifying reproductive rights. Great news for Illinoisans. Thanks, @POTUS!” [Tweet, 2,7,23]

Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll: “Powerful #SOTU tonight from @POTUS! Ready to work with our partners in the @WhiteHouse and Congress to strengthen our economy, lower costs, improve infrastructure, and take climate action. Together, we will invest in everything our Commonwealth and country has to offer.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Attorneys General

California Attorney General Rob Bonta: “Honored to witness @POTUS deliver a commanding, far-reaching #SOTU that highlighted historic accomplishments, delivered a vision for the future, doubled down on our values, and made clear that the State of our Union is strong” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Massachusetts Attorney General  Andrea Joy Campbell: “From protecting consumers from exorbitant fees to ensuring our children’s safety online and off, @POTUS has made clear how he and @VP will continue to move our country forward. I’m grateful for their leadership and look forward to partnering on the important work ahead. #SOTU” [Twitter/2/7/23]

New York Attorney General Tish James: “Tonight, @POTUSannounced a strong plan to keep delivering for all Americans. From protecting access to abortion and affordable healthcare, to combating gun violence and the opioid crisis, to supporting our workers and our families, let’s finish the job.” [Twitter, 2/7/23]

Vermont Attorney General Charity Clark: “.@POTUS delivered a strong State of the Union address tonight. I was particularly pleased to hear him address the progress and work yet to be done on reproductive liberty and reducing domestic violence.” [Twitter, 2/7/23]

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes: “I applaud @POTUS for his commitment to consumer protection, reproductive rights, support for working families + seniors, and call to action on the fentanyl crisis.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Mayors and City Elected Officials

Albany, NY Mayor Kathy Sheehan: “Thanks to @POTUS, it’s finally infrastructure week in America, every day – whether it’s through a record $22 million in new streets and sidewalks, working alongside @GovKathyHochul to replace the Livingston Avenue Railroad Bridge, or helping us remove lead services.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Allentown, PA Mayor Matt Tuerk: “This amazing economic recovery has had a huge positive impact on cities. In addition to the direct support that we received through ARPA, the growth has improved revenue streams and helped us continue to come back stronger. Thx @POTUS @usmayors #sotu2023” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Benton Harbor, MI Mayor Marcus Muhammed: “Mr. @POTUS, good luck tonight in your State of the Union address. #sotu2023″“ [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Cincinnati, OH Mayor Aftab Pureval: “Tonight, @POTUS will talk about his administration’s historic support for cities like ours. We’re on the path to building a resilient, safe, and equitable Cincinnati because our federal partners had our backs. Our future is brighter because the @WhiteHouse has invested in it.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Charlotte, NC Mayor Vi Lyles: “Honored and privileged to attend @POTUS State of the Union address as a guest of @RepAdams! @RepAdams has been a strong supporter of Charlotte and our region, and I’m grateful for her work in securing vital federal funding for residents and overall infrastructure!” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Chattanooga, TN Mayor Tim Kelly: “Tonight, @POTUS will highlight his administration’s historic investments in cities like ours. Thanks to support at the federal level on transformative projects like our Wilcox Bridge, we’re building a safer, more equitable, and more connected community for generations to come.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Chicago, IL Mayor Lori Lightfoot: “.@POTUS’ bipartisan Infrastructure Act supported the rehabilitation of four bridges over the Calumet River, aiding regional & national connectivity. I’m thankful to the Biden-Harris Administration for their continued support of transformative developments for Chicago communities.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

“Chicago will always support reproductive health. I’m grateful for @POTUS’ continued commitment to protecting a person’s right to choose. More needs to be done but Chicago will always remain a safe haven for those seeking reproductive care. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Cleveland, OH Mayor Justin Bibb: “The past two years have proven @POTUS is one of the most effective, pro-cities Presidents in recent memory with the passage of the CHIPS Act, Inflation Reduction Act & ARPA dollars resulting in direct investments in cities. Our union is strong today because of his leadership.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Columbus, OH Mayor Andy Ginther: “Tonight, @POTUS laid out his plan for building a better America. President Biden has created more jobs in a two-year period than any other president on record. The unemployment rate is at a 54-year low. We appreciate his partnership and commitment to making our country stronger.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Dayton Mayor Jeffrey Mims: “Over the last two years, @POTUS has delivered for communities across America, including Dayton. Through the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bispartisan Infrastructure Law & ARPA dollars directed to cities, we are #BuildingBackBetter. #SOTU23 “[Tweet, 2/07/23]

“As a former public school teacher, I understand firsthand the great responsibility of educating our youth. @POTUS is right — give public school teachers a raise!! #SOTU23” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Denver, CO Mayor Michael Hancock: “I look forward to the @POTUS#SOTU this evening where he will outline the work his administration is putting in to grow the economy from the bottom up and middle out, not the top down.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Highland Park, IL Mayor Nancy Rotering: ““We capped the cost of insulin at $35 for seniors on Medicare. Let’s get the job done. Let’s cap the cost of insulin for everyone at $35.” #T1D #Insulin4All Thank you @POTUS #StateOfTheUnionAddress“ [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Houston, TX Mayor Sylvester Turner: “It was inspiring to hear @POTUS’ vision for climate action during the #SOTU address. As a #ClimateMayor, I aim to mobilize federal funding, tax breaks & rebates in the city of Houston supplied by the historic Inflation Reduction Act, improving the lives of countless Houstonians.” [Tweet, 2/08/23]

Irvine, CA Mayor Farrah Khan: “Incredible #sotu2023. Thank you @POTUS for focusing on our cities and providing the much needed relief and resources through ARPA funding and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Loved hearing about support for our seniors.”

Little Rock, AR Mayor Frank Scott, Jr: “Tonight, President Biden spoke directly to the American people by outlining his administration’s historic progress over the past two years. From tackling unprecedented crises, rebuilding the economy, and delivering results for working families, the President’s leadership has helped steer our nation in the right direction…” [Statement, 2/7/23]

Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway: “Madison has the lowest unemployment rate in the nation. Mr. President, I appreciate your great partnership and look forward to continued work together with the in the years ahead! @Potus #SOTU #Wisconsin” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Minneapolis, MN Mayor Jacob Frey: “I look forward to celebrating our country’s tremendous progress during @POTUS’ State of the Union Address tonight. The importance of the president’s legislative achievements via ARPA, IRA, & IIJA cannot be understated for MPLS, our families, climate, and small businesses.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Montgomery, AL Mayor Steven Reed: “The Biden-Harris Administration has been on the ground helping cities and supporting communities like mine. Thanks to #ARPA, #BIL and more, we’re building community centers, career training programs and revitalizing neighborhoods. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

New Bedford, MA Mayor Jon Mitchell: “The #BIL stands out among @potus’s many legislative achievements, and as he noted tonight, the long overdue investments are just starting. Here in #NewBedford, for instance, the $72M from the #BIL for our harbor cleanup will lead to more jobs for our residents.”

New Orleans, LA Mayor LaToya Cantrell: “Tonight I’ll be tuning in to watch President Biden deliver his second #SOTU address. I’m looking forward to hearing more about the Administration’s new initiatives and how we will work together to build a better America for all.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

New York City, NY Mayor Eric Adams: “This is a blue-collar @POTUS with a bold agenda for working people — and this blue-collar mayor is ready to work side by side with him to #GetStuffDone for our city and our country. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Oakland, CA Mayor Sheng Thao: “Thank you @POTUS for your work passing COVID relief and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law— two of the most consequential laws for cities across the US. Your Admin’s work has helped cities recover from the peak of the pandemic and focus on building a better future for everyone.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Phoenix, AZ Vice Mayor Yassamin Ansari: “@POTUS is creating a pro-union, diverse economy where no American is left behind — and Phoenix will thrive because of this. Today he announced: “Requiring all construction materials used in federal infrastructure projects to be made in the U.S. #SOTU” [Tweet 2/07/23]

Pittsburgh, PA Mayor Ed Gainey: “Thank you @POTUS for securing federal funding for the rebuild of the Fern Hollow Bridge” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

Sacramento, CA Mayor Darrell Steinberg: “President Biden gave a compelling State of the Union speech tonight. In such difficult and uncertain times, he is the steady, visionary, and accomplished President our country needs.” [Tweet, 2/07/23]

San Diego, CA Mayor Todd Gloria: “Creation of more than 12 million jobs. Fueling American manufacturing. Historic investment in infrastructure. Lowering costs for families. The Biden-Harris Administration has led historic economic growth — and we must keep building on it. #SOTU #ForAllofUs” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

San Francisco, CA Mayor London Breed: “Thank you @POTUS for helping us make the critical investments in infrastructure and transportation that create more jobs across and the country and for local San Franciscans. Thank you for helping build back our economy.” “ [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Savannah, GA Mayor Van Johnson: “Thank you, @POTUS @JoeBiden for your support of the citizens, aspirations and goals of the City of #Savannah. #SavannahStrong #SOTU23″ [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Scranton, PA Mayor Paige Cognetti: “That was the most fun #SOTU I’ve seen. (Sure my idea of fun might not be yours. Even more fun is watching @JoeBiden leave the chamber – he’s so engaged with whomever he’s speaking. Won’t be surprised if he calls someone’s mom before he’s done!” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

St. Louis, MO Mayor Tishaura Jones: “Thank you @POTUS for emphasizing the need to keep fighting for abortion rights in the #SOTU. Those of us in states like Missouri have been living in a post-Roe reality for years, but St. Louis will NEVER stop fighting to protect reproductive freedom for our residents.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

St. Petersburg, FL Mayor Ken Welch: “Thankful for the leadership of @POTUS and the Biden-Harris Administration, we’ve made historic progress to create jobs & improve our communities so no one is left behind. I look forward to our continued partnership to uplift families in @StPeteFL and across the nation! #SOTU2023” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Tampa, FL Mayor Jane Castor: “That funding is going a long way in cities like our @CityofTampa! Just yesterday, we announced that we’re receiving $20M from the federal Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Program, established under the #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw. #SOTU2023 ““ [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Tucson, AZ Mayor Regina Romero: “Tonight, join me as @POTUS shares the accomplishments of the past 2 years! This is a time to celebrate the power of progress, real results for the American people & the real-life impacts of the investments made to our community. #BidenHarris #SOTU “ [Tweet, 2/7/23]

West Sacramento, CA Mayor Martha Guerrero: #sotu2023 Thank you @POTUS & @FLOTUS “Our goal is to cut the cancer death rate by at least 50% over the next 25 years. Turn more cancers from death sentences into treatable diseases. And provide more support for patients and families.   It’s personal for so many of us.” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

 State Legislators

Arizona House Minority Leader Raquel Teran: “Ready to listen to @POTUS‘s State of Union address. He will outline how he is delivering on his economic plan to grow the economy from the bottom up and middle out, not the top down.” [Tweet, 2/07/23] 

California State Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins: “Investing in infrastructure & #CleanEnergy. Supporting workers & families. Making #healthcare more accessible & affordable. Protecting #ReproductiveRights. The past 2 years have been full of historic progress & I know @POTUS & @VP are ready to finish the Job! #SOTU”  [Tweet, 2/07/23] 

 Maryland Speaker of the House Adrienne A. Jones: “It’s a privilege to join my friend and always a leader for the people @RepStenyHoyer for @POTUS Biden’s State of the Union address. Maryland’s state leaders and congressional partners are united in our effort to move this country forward with Maryland front and center. #sotu2023″   [Tweet, 2/07/23] 

Michigan Speaker of the House Joe Tate: “Thank you @RepShriThanedar for the honor of an invite to @POTUS’s #SOTU. We’ve seen a 50-year record low unemployment rate and an economic plan aimed to strengthen MI’s manufacturing. I look forward to working together to continue to lift up the American Dream.” [Tweet, 2/07/23] 

Ohio House Minority Leader Allison Russo: “The resilience Ohio’s working families have shown over the course of the past few years is not only a testament to the American spirit, but to President Biden’s leadership as well. Thanks to the president’s economic agenda, Ohio has seen the number of manufacturing jobs rise, the price of everyday items like gasoline and insulin come down, and a series of vital infrastructure projects break ground across the state” “But as the president pointed out, it’s time to finish the job. To do that, House Democrats will continue to reach across the aisle to make sure working families have every opportunity to thrive, that children have access to well-funded public education that delivers on the promise of a brighter future, and that, together, we fight to keep our communities safe for everyone- no matter what they look like or where they come from.”  [Statement, 2/08/23] 

Wisconsin Assembly Minority Leader Greta Neubauer: “Tonight at 8pm Central, @POTUS will deliver the State of the Union Address and outline how he is delivering results for working families across the country and here in WI. President Biden has achieved historic progress so far, and I’m thrilled to hear more from him tonight!” [Tweet, 2/07/23] 

Wisconsin Senate Minority Leader Melissa Agard: “@GovEvers and @POTUS recognize the importance of addressing #mentalhealth. We must address this crisis to help protect our children, families, neighbors, and communities.” [Tweet, 2/07/23] 

Intergovernmental Affairs Organizations

Climate Mayors: “This year’s #SOTU was a reminder of the historic progress @POTUS has made in tackling the climate crisis. It’s our duty as #ClimateMayors to continue mobilizing federal funding granted under the #IRA & finish the job in making our collective goals a reality.” [Tweet 2/07/23]

National League of Cities: “Through the #AmericanRescuePlan Act, #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw and the #InflationReductionAct, local leaders are meeting residents’ needs and playing a key role in stabilizing our economy. #SOTU” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Democratic Attorney Generals: “President @JoeBiden and Democrats are delivering real results that will make a difference in people’s lives. #SOTU” [Tweet 2/07/23]

Democratic Mayors Association:”Since entering office two years ago, the President has led historic economic growth, lowered costs for families, invested in our infrastructure, fueled American manufacturing, and championed justice, safety, and equality. #SOTU2023” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Democratic Mayors Association (DMA) President Mayor Levar Stoney: “Tonight’s address confirmed that the state of our union is stronger and more resilient than ever before, due in large measure to the remarkable leadership of President Joe Biden and his administration…”[Statement, 2/7/23]

Democratic Lieutenant Governors Association: “Thanks to @JoeBiden a record-setting 16.3 million people signed up for ACA coverage this year, and the national uninsured rate hit an all-time low last year. Healthcare premiums for ACA coverage have lowered by an average of $800 per person per year.” #sotu2023 “ [Tweet, 2/7/23]

Democratic Governors Association: “The Biden-Harris administration has funded more than 20,000 infrastructure projects — in states all across the country. Thank you, @POTUS and @VP!” #SOTU2023” [Tweet, 2/7/23]

National Conference of State Legislators: #SOTU203 | The federal government and 12 states have child tax credits. Similar to the federal child tax credit, state child tax credits are a strategy for improving family economic stability and often have bipartisan support More: “https://bit.ly/3li4EwO #SOTU“ [Tweet, 2/7/23]

NewDEAL: “No administration has better understood the priorities of state and local leaders or done more to support them in solving the challenges facing their residents…” [Statement, 2/7/23]

National Association of Counties: “Tonight’s State of the Union address highlighted the need for a strong intergovernmental partnership as the country addresses our future competitiveness, security and well-being. County officials stand ready to work with the administration and bipartisan congressional partners as we navigate an increasingly complex, interconnected world.” [Statement, 2/7/23]

U.S. Conference of Mayors: “America’s mayors value strong partnerships with the Biden-Harris Administration and members of both parties in Congress, and we look forward to working together to deliver for the people we serve. Full Statement following @POTUS#SOTU23 Address: “http://mayo.rs/3YAUhCG“ [Tweet, 2/7/23]

United States Conference of Mayors: “With mayors and this administration working together, we have overcome a global pandemic, made real progress on gun safety, protected rights to same sex marriage, made the biggest investment ever to combat climate change, and begun the process to rebuild America’s infrastructure…” [Statement, 2/7/23]

African American Mayors Association: “ We share President Biden’s optimism about the future of our country and wholeheartedly believe that the state of our union is made stronger by his leadership…” [Statement, 2/7/23]


Official news published at https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/02/10/leaders-applaud-the-presidents-state-of-the-union-address/

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