President Biden on his Build Back Better Agenda

“In today’s America, the rich are getting richer, and working people are paying the price. It didn’t just happen overnight. Even before the pandemic, the wealthy were doing very well – and everyone else was falling further behind. If you’re a billionaire, you have more wealth now than you did before the pandemic. And if you’re like almost one-third of adults with children, you’re struggling to pay for the food you feed your family and know it needs.

Under the prior administration, the big drug companies got giant tax cuts while working Americans cut their prescription pills in half to make sure they could last a month. If you’re a teacher, or a firefighter, you pay a higher percentage of your income tax than many of the biggest corporations or billionaire investors do right now. Enough.”

— President Joe Biden

President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda means a fair tax system, and once-in-a-generation investments in workers and working families. It’s time to Build Back Better.



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